6 Fantastic Essential Oils for Weight Loss

essential oils

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. The Romans, Greeks, Chinese, and Egyptians, sought after these oils, embracing their medicinal and mood boosting properties. Through the years, pharmaceutical companies have waged all-out war against anything natural with the goal of having people lean upon their products. In a very large way their efforts have been successful. However, despite the fact of their growing power, they just can’t remove the even stronger power of essential oils even in our goals for weight loss.

Aromatherapy is widely used to ease our tensions being able to set the mood in the house. Think about walking into a home with an essential oil diffuser in operation. Upon the first breath of jasmine or lavender we are taken away to a place of tranquility and comfort. Or if the scent is apples or berries, suddenly we feel the need to go buy some fresh fruit.

Of course there are many applications for essential oils; body massage, foot massage, and mood elixirs are but a few. Each essential oil has its own powerful properties from which we draw strength and relief. Also, how they are used plays a part in their effectiveness. Sometimes we need something specific and then sometimes we need something more broad. Both of these can be accomplished by using a single oil for a specific purpose or using a blend to counter a wider range of desires.

Using these oils is not just confined to mood or healing. In fact, many people are not aware that these oils can be used for weight loss. I imagine that sounds blasphemous to the weight loss supplement corporations, but it’s true nonetheless. Not only is it true, but also healthier many times. Many so-called protein and diet drinks today are loaded with sugar or sugar derivatives that counteract their effectiveness. Or they use sugar substitutes, which can be far worse for the body.

Essential oils are natural and, as stated earlier, have been around for thousands of years. Below there are six essential oils that can assist with weight loss. However, before using them, it is advised to speak with a doctor to determine their safety and how they react with each person. Also, it is imperative that when ingesting essential oils that only certified pure therapeutic grade be used. And finally, when using therapeutic grade, always test a small amount first before using a full dosage.     

Grapefruit Essential Oil for Weight loss


Grapefruit has many positive uses and properties. One or two drops added to a glass of water is effective in reducing appetite. Mixing the oil with a carrier oil (such as liquid coconut oil) and using it as a foot or body massage is a great way to spread the oil’s benefits on the skin.

  • Helps suppress appetite.  D-Limonene is a major component of this oil. Limonene aids in the suppression of appetite and reduces body fat according to promising tests still being conducted on animals. Additionally, Limonene has been proven to be a positive mood enhancer.
  • Assists in removing toxins from the body. It uses Lycopene to help detoxify the Lymphatic system.
  • Is loaded with C vitamins that help promote good health and bolster the immune system.

Lemon Essential Oil


Lemons have long been known for their immune boosting abilities. Putting a few drops in a diffuser makes the home or office feel much fresher and drives away odor. Plus, the pure scent gives a quick pick-me-up as it revitalizes the senses. Add a couple drops into salads and smoothies puts an extra zing into the flavor. Here are some great benefits of this powerful oil:

  • Neurologically, research has proven that the scent improves brain activity which promotes the breakdown of food.
  • When rubbed on skin it acts as a natural way to exfoliate the skin.
  • Research shows that it improves and enhances mood.
  • It supports the body’s detoxification and promotes healthy digestion.

Cinnamon Essential Oil for Weight Loss

cinnamon helps with weight loss

Cinnamon is popular and potent spice taken from the bark of a tropical evergreen tree reaching heights of forty-five feet tall. It has long been known for its metabolic boost and support for the immune system. The oil is extremely potent and should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Cinnamon has been used in embalming practices, in the treatment of coughing, sore throat, and hoarseness. Also, in earlier times it was valued at 15 times the amount of silver. Below you can see the benefits the oil can bring:

  • It works to balance blood sugar levels which regulates feelings of hunger and reduces food cravings.
  • Increases blood circulation and boosts the immune system
  • Improves gut health and digestion which is a direct support for weight loss
  • Helps improve libido (not a weight loss category but worth mentioning).

Ginger Essential Oil

ginger helps with weight loss

Ginger essential oil comes from the Ginger root. It is known for lending a sense of confidence and power long held important to the Chinese culture for about 5000 years. Initially it was used as the treatment of all ailments. It wasn’t until thousands of years later in the western world that ginger became known more for a spice than a medical treatment. Here are some popular weight loss benefits:

  • Supports the body’s ability to absorb vitamins. Better absorption leads to a better digestive tract which assists with weight loss.
  • It helps support cellular energy and transmutes the energy into digestion.
  • Gingerol – a part of Ginger – helps the body reduce inflammation and is an antioxidant. This is a key component in increasing energy and assisting weight loss.
  • Reduces hunger pangs and provide feelings of satiety.

Bergamot Essential Oil

bergamot weight loss

Bergamot is a plant that produces citrus fruit. Oil is taken from the peel of that fruit. It is known for reducing blood fats that reduces the absorption of cholesterol. Also, it helps with the reduction of triglycerides. The oil helps stimulate the endocrine system thus reducing stress. Less stress means a better life outlook and increased energy. Here are some weight loss benefits:

  • Contains polyphenols just as green tea which increases the metabolism.
  • Inhibits the enzyme linked to blood sugar levels which helps regulate hunger pangs.
  • If used before meals or snacks, this oil can help minimize hunger and that helps reduce how much is eaten.
  • Inhaling the oil for about 15 minutes, helps promote positive moods and decreases the need to reach for comfort foods.

Peppermint Essential Oil

peppermint weight loss

Peppermint has been around for thousands of years. In fact, peppermint leaves have been discovered in Egyptian burial sites. Through the centuries it has been used in various medicinal ways to cure ailments such as these: indigestion, sour stomach, nausea, vomiting, respiratory infections, menstrual disorders, morning sickness, colic, gas, and colds. It can also help with weight loss. Try one or two drops to water before having a meal. Check these out:

  • It triggers the part of the brain that controls feelings of being full. The body, therefore, feels less hunger pangs.
  • It is a natural energizer and reduces fatigue keeping people on the move rather than being sedentary watching TV and snacking.
  • Settles stomach issues and assists with digestion.
  • Contains vitamin C and important minerals such as magnesium while also providing omega-3.

This is just a scratch on the surface of what essential oils can do to assist in weight loss goals. With a little bit of individual research, along with guidance from the health community, these powerful oils can go a long way to assist as yet another way to help control weight gain and spur weight loss.