Low Intensity Workouts for A Leaner You

low intensity workouts

Low intensity workouts are a great way to ease into a weight loss program. They are effective, perfect for beginners, and do not require the hard pounding regimens of the more strenuous High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Sure, if the interest is in going “hard core” for weight loss, then the HIIT might be more appropriate. However, if this is the first foray into workouts, the Low intensity workouts might be more beneficial.

What Exactly IS a Low Intensity Workout?

leaner walking

As the title states, these are types of workouts that are designed to be less strenuous but still raise the heart beats while providing aerobic and muscle building benefits. Why is this useful, or even important? The answer is all about our situations. Face it, we can’t all just jump into a strenuous high intensity exercise. Age, health conditions, and general body fitness levels play an important factor. Let’s say there has been no jogging for fifteen years and we suddenly jump out onto the street and attempt it. What would happen? Most likely the jog would never be completed and the next few days would be full of residual pain. His is just one example. Look below and see who low intensity workouts are designed for.

  • People who have not exercised in a while (or ever)
  • People with limiting medical conditions
  • Elderly
  • Those “fishing around” to see if there is an interest

What Are the Benefits of Low Intensity Workouts?

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The first benefit is to get out there and start doing something. The biggest reason people fail to exercise is the initial momentum. You know, it’s easier to keep a ball moving once it is in motion. Simple physics there. Just by getting started, new possibilities will be understood and goals to be seen. This can’t be overstated. Getting started is the hardest part. Wouldn’t it make sense to test the waters by dipping toes rather than by jumping in and feeling the pain? Here are some other benefits of low intensity workouts:

Examples of Low Intensity Workouts

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Here are a few examples of low intensity workouts to look into.

  1. Walking – Walking is the easiest way to get started. It’s as easy as stepping out the front door. Take a walk around the neighborhood or around the block. Start low and build up. Walking at a quick pace can easily burn 90 calories in a single mile. Plus, it gets the heart going.
  2. Swimming – Swimming is pleasurable and easy. Try simple laps in shallow water. Movement in water burns calories faster due to the resistance and is easier on the joints. Plus it can help you get a sexy bikini body as well.
  3. Yoga – Yoga is a fantastic way to burn calories. Not only does it help you lose weight, it also improves flexibility which is important, especially for the older participants. Staying flexible helps to prevent injuries and (in classes) widen social circles.
  4. Elliptical – The elliptical machine is a great low intensity workout that is easy on the knees and leg joints. Unlike running, there is no rough jarring and the smooth pace can glide you to weight loss. Heart rate increases in just twenty minutes. The accompanying sweat shows effectiveness.
  5. Take a Hike – This is one of the most popular workouts out there. There is something about getting outdoors and enjoying the surroundings that make this exercise seem more like leisure. While walking around we don’t even notice we’re having a workout. Hills and uneven terrain force the body adjust and mixes up the exercise that always leaves the body guessing.

What Are You Waiting for?

leaner waiting

As shown in the above information, low intensity workouts are really a great way to begin. Easing into a new exercise program gets the body used to movement and the mind into the rhythm. It normally takes just three weeks of practice to develop healthier habits. In no time the low intensity can grow to moderate and higher intensities.

Don’t ask, what’s the best exercise, but rather, what sounds like the most fun. That’s the beauty of low intensity workouts; they are fun. So lose some weight, learn a new skill, and meet new people. Sounds like a winning combination. Just be sure to check in with a medical physician first and get guidance there. After that…you’re on your way!